Let’s hear about you and your home-based business
I am in my 16th year of working from my Florida home (11 full-time) as DustyNewt
[ https://dustynewt.etsy.com ] and just started my blog about it this year "17 Step Commute" to help others in their journeys.
I appreciate all of Joe's tips and suggestions. Thanks, Joe!
Thanks, Scott! I love your header and your blog.
Are you a remoter worker or do you have a home-based business? Or both?
I am a home-based wood carver. Selling my woodstuffs worldwide from my 100 year-old home in Central Florida.
Right, https://www.etsy.com/shop/dustynewt/?etsrc=sdt. Great stuff!
Thank you! I love doing them and it allows me to meet wonderful people around the world, without even leaving my property.
Cool! Thank you for sharing. Though I wasn't able to create a free account. Got an error message.
One of my businesses is Toolarium.club:
I am in my 16th year of working from my Florida home (11 full-time) as DustyNewt
[ https://dustynewt.etsy.com ] and just started my blog about it this year "17 Step Commute" to help others in their journeys.
I appreciate all of Joe's tips and suggestions. Thanks, Joe!
Thanks, Scott! I love your header and your blog.
Are you a remoter worker or do you have a home-based business? Or both?
I am a home-based wood carver. Selling my woodstuffs worldwide from my 100 year-old home in Central Florida.
Right, https://www.etsy.com/shop/dustynewt/?etsrc=sdt. Great stuff!
Thank you! I love doing them and it allows me to meet wonderful people around the world, without even leaving my property.
Cool! Thank you for sharing. Though I wasn't able to create a free account. Got an error message.
One of my businesses is Toolarium.club: