Sitemap - 2022 - My Home Office Hacks

What you liked the most

What are the three ways you improved your home office experience in 2022

Will you rebound in 2023?

Has Google gotten lazy?

Join my new subscriber chat

Gratitude is an amphetamine

Are you leaving Twitter?

The discovery phase of a new computer

Computer karma is instant and real

Take the trick or treat out of buying a new laptop

Alexa: male or female?

I wrote a book on Saturday. It took an hour.

You watch Melrose Place?

The way that you use it

A healthy response to standing desks

Can I quote you on that

Closed captions not just for the hearing impaired

Happy birthday, Bob Newhart

A foldable kayak, Forbes and FU time

But, uh, what about, uh…

But what about bookmarks

The power of reviews and recommendations

I read Playboy for the interviews

The simplest most useful hack

Working from home can’t beat the heat

Working from home is for the birds

i know nothing

Intermittent fasting and mushroom coffee

The best places to work remotely

A case of the Mondays

What Elon Musk said - "Remote work is no longer acceptable."

The working from home pet conundrum

Fellow pen snobs chime in

Excalibur and other work from home quirks

Save your marriage--and business--with Friday morning breakfast meetings

An essential F.U. for your prospects

They should charge more for that!

That friend or LinkedIn connection who sends links

A hack for non-designers who want to design

Wasting time or saving sanity?

My Home Office Hacks in sweats

How I start my day

Don’t work hungry


Blue Ball Monday?

This can wait

Joe Rogan is probably not on this list

Car tray and other stupid purchases

Put a sledgehammer to your home office

Working from home is like a dog's life

Long weekend, short HOH

No vacancy under a rock

When you work